Flight on 26.7.2019 by Michael Gstoettner

Advance Xi 25
08:25:11 Uhr (UTC)
13:03:56 Uhr (UTC)
04:38:45 h
3105 m (GPS)
20.5 km/h
95.44 km
108.03 (113.2%)

North and East Wind. Difficult to read. But worth it. 8/8 and some rain at Gerlos Pass.

Flight 183 / XC 93 / Hike & Fly: Epic! The first time this year at the Felln. Easy first thermal. Horrible thermal at the Haaralm Scheid. I break out into the south. But pushed it too far into the cloud cover at Gerlos. Recovered. But I chose the wrong route - grounded for sure in the bog at Gerlos Pass.

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